10 Naughty Ways to Ruin a Good Night's Sleep

Good night's sleep is often a matter of time. Something as simple as taking a drink after dinner can make your eyes pop open one hour after being diverted out of dreamland. Even sleeping well can stare at the ceiling in the morning when your time is off on any of these 10 ways:

Drinking 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Yes, a second glass of wine at dinner may make you drowsy at first, but as the alcohol goes away, which eventually leads to restlessness - the kind that wakes you up.
Eat anything since lunch. An empty stomach prevents you from sleeping. A snack high in carbohydrates (toast, cereal, pasta) and a glass of milk soothes the grunt and fall asleep.
From caffeine after noon. If sleep is a problem, get your cup of tea mid-morning cup of joe his last day. Caffeine can stay in your body for 12 hours. Jump black and green tea, chocolate and cola, too.
Eating a large meal after 19:00 An overburdened digestive tract takes hours to install. If you have to be bright-eyed for a meeting early in the morning, eat a light early dinner the night before, which means about 500 calories of food (and avoid anything that is super spicy or gas).
Work up a sweat within 4 hours before bedtime. Vigorous exercise is stimulating. Try relaxation exercises instead, but will help to defuse the tensions of the day and fall asleep. Are you a shift worker? Learn how to reduce their health risks.
Smoking just before lights out. Among other unpleasant things, nicotine is a stimulant that fragments of their sleep cycle.
Keep your iPhone, iPad, or PDA to bed. Limit activities before going to sleep and sex. . . nothing more. No words playing with friends, check email, Twitter or last time. Prohibition of anything with an electronic screen in the room (the radios are fine). And turn off the TV and computer an hour before bedtime rituals.
Napping after 15:00 noon a short nap increases productivity, but limit your nap of 30-45 minutes. If you come bedtime and do not have dreams do not take naps at all.
Take a hot bath before bedtime. You warm all over, which sounds like a good thing, but the cooling is actually part of sleep (for what you need covers). The best time for that bath is 1.5 hours before turning in. This is a DIY solution that will make you dream to enjoy the land of dreams.
Work until bedtime. Create a mental space between work - especially important if you work at home or bring work home from the office. That does not include reading papers in bed. Tomorrow's task list running around your brain? Write to-do list before going to bed.

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